Short term licenses for subcontractors or temporary users
under review
Paul King
As a business owner, when I employ subcontractors, I'd like to give these users limited-time access to Flow so that licenses reflect their usage.
- Subcontractors may only work several days per month
- The cost of a full additional license is prohibitive.
- Subcontractors often need access for a short duration.
Albie Klein
Lest call it prepaid licenses. This is a fee that we can charge the client / subcontractor, they pay it online and its valid for 3 days for field work to gather information and photos etc. My business will then complete the process and inform the client / subcontractor the report is ready and they can open the link via the app and print or send it. This will give them access to the reports. In South Africa the assessment must be revised every 24 months. It a much more affordable option of us and the client / subcontractor.
Charge them 20 pounds (R480) for the 3 days access and once they receive the link from us, give them access to the report but they are not allowed to edit anything on the report.
Paul King
Albie Klein:
Thanks for your comment, Albie.
We're still considering the Pros and Cons of adding subcontractor licenses. It's almost certainly a feature we'll add in the long term. But I think adding it now would give us a lot of headaches.
Currently, most of our users have medium-high volume, therefore the value they get from our software is high. So our users are happy and on the other side, we're growing easily.
Adding subcontractor licences would clearly be helpful to those who do fewer surveys...
But I think that adding this feature too soon would put a strain on our small support team — infrequent users still need training and support, and my gut tells me this would take up a lot of our time. So we wouldn't be able to focus on our other clients who are getting much more value from our product.
I appreciate your comments though, Albie. We'll definitely keep them in mind in future once we review the subcontractor licenses idea.
Albie Klein
Hi Paul, Thank very much. Things is picking up on my side. The new asbestos regulations are in place in South Africa and all employees must inspect for asbestos. This will open new doors for us. What will the cost be if sub-contactors is used or even agents?
Paul King
Albie Klein: Hey Albie, I'm glad to hear things are picking up over there in South Africa. I'm sure the new regulations will be a big shift in the industry. And you seem ahead of the curve to take advantage of the changes!
We've not figured subcontractor licenses out 100%. But I imagine they'll be a special type of license. Perhaps with the following characteristics:
- Weekly billing rather than monthly
- Minimum term = one week
- Option to automatically remove access after a specific duration
- Subcontractor "credits" for existing clients
Nothing is set in stone yet. And our ideas may change as we speak to users to understand what they want.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. We're especially keen to hear specific use-cases, general requirements, pain points around hiring subcontractors, pricing expectations, etc.
David King
under review
David King
Merged in a post:
"Hotseat" licenses for infrequent users
Paul King
For infrequent users of the mobile app (for example subcontractors or cross-trained staff), include "hot seat" licenses that reflect the actual usage of the software. e.g. a large number of users, but small usage per user.