🧯 Hold onto your fire extinguishers, everyone!
We've expanded Flow's template library with a new template — Fire Risk Assessments.
Fire Risk Assessment v5 (1)
After several attempts to create a flexible and usable Fire Risk Assessments template, we're happy to say that we've created something that hopefully ticks all the right boxes.
This new template is aimed at UK-based surveyors who carry out Fire Risk Assessments and follows the original UK's PAS 79 standard. And the best thing, the template is flexible so we can configure it to use whatever standard you use or your own best practices.
PS. For anyone reading this post thinking, hey, I already have a Fire Risk Assessment template, what's this all about? You're one of the few users we gave access to an early version. This is a newer, improved version. So get in touch if you want us to upgrade you.